Solved by a verified expert :Page 1Question 1.1. (TCO B) Which of the following statements is correct about the Structure of the 1934 Act? (Points : 5) The Act is codified in Title 57 USC of the United States Code. The Act is codified in Title 47 of the United states Code and has 14 Subchapters and Titles. The 1934 Act is codified in Title 74 and has 7 subchapters and or “Titles” of its own. The 1934 Act is codified in Title 47 of the United States code which, in turn, is divided into seven subchapters or “Titles” of its own.Question 2.2. (TCO D) Which of the following industries or companies is generally considered a natural monopoly according to Judge Posner’s opinion in the Omega Satellite case? (Points : 5) Wal-Mart (retail) Comcast (cable TV) Microsoft (software provider) Sprint (PCS provider)Question 3.3. (TCO B) Which of the following statements is NOT true of the FCC (Federal Communications Commission)? (Points : 5) Has the final word on telecommunications issues. Enacts and executes laws which regulate interstate and international telecommunications by broadcast, radio, television, cable, wire, satellite, and more recently, the Internet. Was established by the Communications Act of 1934, and its jurisdiction covers all 50 states. Pre-empts any state law pertaining to telecommunications.Question 4.4. (TCO B) Which of the following statements about a NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking) is true? (Points : 5) An NPRM contains a discussion of the issues to be addressed and proposed regulations in response to these issues. An NPRM is issued by the courts in response to litigation. After reviewing comments on the NPRM, the FCC must release a final order (usually in the form of a Report and Order) that adopts some variant of the proposed rule, alters an existing rule, or decides not to take any action. An NPRM is issued as a directive of U.S. House of Representatives.Question 5.5. (TCO F) Which of the following terms is known as a method of setting prices applicable in many situations, including situations where a single firm or entity must recover fixed costs and can do so by manipulating prices on more than one good? This form of pricing suggests that the most efficient way to recover those fixed costs is to set price levels for the goods such that, when comparing the goods, the good for which consumers are less sensitive to price is priced such that there is a greater difference between price and marginal cost than there is for the good for which consumers are more sensitive to price. The correct answer is_____ (Points : 5) Price Cap Regulation Tariff Ramsey Pricing Rate-of Return Regulation Cream SkimmingPage 2Question 1. 1. (TCO A) Provide a specific example of a public policy or interest that the government considers when regulating the telecommunications or broadcast industry. Do you agree or disagree with this public policy interest, and are there alternative solutions besides government regulation that would achieve the same public benefit in a more efficient or effective manner? (Points : 25) Spellchecker Question 2. 2. (TCO A) What are the four sources of U.S. law that may come into play when there is a telecommunications regulation issue? (Points : 25) Spellchecker Question 3. 3. (TCO C) Under the FCC’s “Fairness Doctrine” what was the “two-pronged” obligation placed on “broadcast licensees”? Spellchecker Question 4. 4. (TCO C) What was the Fairness Doctrine and how did it relate to the concept of “quid pro quo” (this for that). What exactly was a licensee “exchanging”with the federal government and what obligations did the licensee assume? Discuss.NOTE: Answer should be at least 10 to 15 lines (or two paragraphs) (Points : 25) Spellchecker Question 5. 5. (TCO D) What are the characteristics of a natural monopoly? Give an example of natural monopoly. (Points : 25) Spellchecker Question 6. 6. (TCO E, F) The FCC for many years seemed to regulate cable television with an eye toward protecting the pre-existing broadcast industry. Why did the FCC seem to favor broadcast? Discuss. (Points : 25) Spellchecker Question 7. 7. (TCO E, F) What was the “reverse effect’ Bell’s initial business strategy on Bell and the independents in the early days of telephone? (Points : 25) Spellchecker
Expert Answer :devry NETW584 midterm exam July 2016
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