Solved by a verified expert :The medical field is no exception in a world that has become increasingly litigious. Ask any doctor or hospital administrator and they will recount numerous stories of medical malpractice lawsuits in which they or their colleagues have been involved. Because of this, malpractice insurance is necessary for all doctors to carry and it is a major expense. The amounts that doctors pay for malpractice insurance varies by profession with anesthesiology and obstetrics being some of the most expensive. Sadly this obstacle will dissuade some of the finest doctors from choosing these professions. Additionally, these costly suits and the insurance itself may directly be contributing to rising health care costs.On the flip side though, it is very important that doctors and medical facilities that make major mistakes be held accountable for their actions. There have been some very scary stories about people getting the wrong limb amputated, receiving improper diagnoses and then treatment for diseases they don’t have, etc, etc. The affected patients do deserve some sort of compensation for their pain and suffering. Additionally, the doctors and facilities involved should be reprimanded for these life threatening and sometimes deadly mistakes.Task: Do some research into medical malpractice suits and their effect on the health care industry. Do you think that there should be a cap to the monetary damages that are awarded in malpractice cases? Why or why not?Be sure to include the resources you used in your research and thoroughly explain your opinion.