Solved by a verified expert :Create an original 20- to 30-minute capstone portfolio Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations of 12 to15 slides presentation that demonstrates your core content knowledge.Complete the following in your presentation:· Demonstrate an understanding of relevant theories.· Include examples to support major points.· Explain which theories you like and why you like them.· Explain which theories you dislike and why you dislike them.· Explain how you arrived at your conclusions.· Explain how these theories will influence the future of psychology.· Explain a new method that you can apply to or research in psychology.· Explain how the information in this presentation affects your worldview.· Explain how you used critical or creative thinking in the creation of the presentation.(These are the theories:Biological,Psychoanalytic,Behaviorism,Cognitive,Humanistic and existential)
Expert Answer :Create an original 20- to 30-minute capstone portf
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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