Solved by verified expert :1. Timberland’s focus on philanthropy
costs the company more than $2 million in sales each year.

2. Enron, in mid-2000 was America’s 7th
largest corporation.

3. Ethics, found
between the domains of law and free choice, is the code of moral principles
that governs any individual or groups.

4. Free choice lies between the domains of
codified law and ethics.

5. If something is not illegal, it must be

6. An ethical dilemma arises in a
situation when each alternative choice or behavior is undesirable because of
potentially harmful ethical consequences.

7. An individual who must make an ethical
choice in an organization is called the moral agent.

8. Most ethical dilemmas involve a
conflict between the needs of the part and the whole.

9. Utilitarian, individualism,
moral-rights, and objective dualism are the four approaches that guide ethical

10. Objective dualism is
the ethical concept that argues that moral behaviors produce the greatest good
for the greatest number of people.

11. The basis for the recent trend among
companies to police employee personal habits such as alcohol and tobacco consumption
on the job is called the utilitarian ethic.

12. Monitoring the Internet to maintain the
company’s ethical climate and workplace productivity could be considered part
of an individualistic approach.

13. The ethical concept that acts are moral
when they promote the individual’s best long term interests, which ultimately
leads to the greater good, is known as the moral rights approach.

14. In the individualism approach, the right
of free speech must be considered.

15. Individualism is popular in the highly
organized society of today because it supports immediate self-gain.

16. Rights that should be considered in the
moral rights approach include the right of free consent, the right to privacy,
and the right of freedom of conscience.

17. Procedural justice requires that
different treatment of people not be based on arbitrary characteristics.

18. The justice approach is closest to the
thinking underlying the domain of free choice.

19. Most of the laws guiding human resource
management are based on the individualism approach.