Solved by verified expert :1) Boeing’s development of the 787
Dreamliner is an example of a company obtaining a competitive advantage through
product differentiation/innovation.

2) NAFTA seeks to phase out all trade and
tariff barriers among Canada,
Mexico, and the United States.

3) The World Trade Organization has helped
to significantly reduce tariffs around the world.

4) Production processes are being
dispersed to take advantage of national differences in labor costs.

5) NAFTA seeks to phase out all trade and
tariff barriers between the United States
and Asia.

6) One reason for global operations is to
gain improvements in the supply chain.

7) One reason to globalize is to learn to
improve operations.

8) To attract and retain global talent,
and to expand a product’s life cycle, are both reasons to globalize.

9) A product will always be in the same
stage of its product life cycle regardless of the country.

10) The World Trade Organization helps
provide governments and industries around the world with protection from firms
that engage in unethical conduct.