Solved by verified expert :81. The
last quarter of the 20th century experienced __________ in the
global economy.
A. increased
B. slow-moving
C. virtually
no changes
D. rapid
E. great
concerns over potential disruptions

82. Economists
argue that increased international trade and cross-border investments will
result in __________ prices for goods and services.
A. higher
B. stable
C. lower
D. unstable
E. variable

83. _______
is not a benefit of globalization.
A. Lowering
prices for goods
B. Raising
the incomes of consumers
C. Slowing
economic growth
D. Helping
to create jobs in all countries that choose to participate
E. More
leisure time

84. Economists,
politicians, and business leaders believe that the _______ to international
trade and investment is the engine driving the global economy toward greater
A. falling
B. cross-border
C. U.N.
D. trading

85. One
frequently voiced concern about globalization is that it destroys manufacturing
jobs in wealthy advanced economies such as Canada. The basic thrust of the
critics’ argument is:
A. developing
nations will recruit employees from the more advanced economies, thereby
depleting their labour pools
B. globalization
increases the pace of the shift from a world economy based on manufactured
goods to a world economy based on services
C. falling
trade barriers allows firms to move their manufacturing activities offshore to
countries where wage rates are much lower
D. the
governments of developing countries will heavily subsidize their primary
industries, making competing products produced in advanced economies less
E. Canadian
workers are overpaid and the true value of a manufacturing job is much lower

86. Outsourcing
has even extended to the Canadian _______ industry.
A. marketing
B. food
D. publishing
E. teaching

87. Critics
use the following argument to suggest that globalization is a contributing
factor to an increase in pollution.
A. globalization
results in an increase in the amount of activity that takes place in companies
that do not have adequate pollution controls
B. globalization
results in increased commerce between countries, which results in an increase
in the amount of transportation activity (e.g. trains, barges, air cargo,
trucks, etc.)
C. firms
that operate in countries that have adequate pollution regulations have a
tendency to move their manufacturing operations to countries that have less
stringent or no pollution controls to avoid the cost of regulation
D. globalization
results in increased production, which has the undesirable side-effect of
increased pollution
E. people
in developing countries are used to coping with more pollution

88. According
to IDC Canada, Canadian IT outsourcing reached _____________ in 2010.
A. $50
B. $500
C. $1
D. $5
E. $15