Solved by a verified expert :ASSIGNMENT 04E01 Careers in Early Childhood EducationDirections: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it toAshworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences,and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APAformat. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the "AssignmentFormat" page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.The scenarios presented below are similar to those that you will likely encounter as anearly childhood educator. Put yourself in the shoes of the early childhood educator andapply your knowledge and skills to navigate through each scenario.Scenario 1Both Friedrich Froebel and Maria Montessori developed unique materials to support theirmethods of teaching children. These materials are still used in classrooms today. Imaginethat you are an early childhood educator at a preschool where you teach a class of 3- to 5year-olds.Part A: Develop an original age-appropriate activity for your preschool class using oneof the following. Froebel’s cube giftFroebel’s parquetry giftLincoln Logs 1. Describe the activity that you have developed.2. Identify the skills that the activity would help develop.Part B: Develop an original age-appropriate activity for your preschool class promotingthe same skill(s) as the activity above, but develop the activity based on the Montessorimethod.1. Describe the activity that you have developed.2. What are the key differences between the two activities you developed? 1 Scenario 2Characteristics of developmentally appropriate practices can be observed in classrooms.Intentional teachers can utilize this knowledge in planning experiences specificallydesigned for children of various ages to enhance their development and learning.Below is a list of some of the characteristics that children display naturally. Imagine thatyou are teaching a kindergarten class of 5- to 6-year-olds. Develop two learning activitiesthat you could use to further nurture the development of these capabilities. Eachexperience should integrate at least three of the characteristics listed below. Make sure todescribe how each characteristic is incorporated into the activities.LeadCreateMoveCreate artMake a plan DrawInitiateRaise questionsSpeakSolve problemsDecideTry againChoose wiselyRead and make books Scenario 3Imagine that you are an early childhood educator who teaches a first-grade class of 6- to7-year-olds. Develop an activity designed to promote reading and/or writing skills.Provide a description of the activity.Explain how you would adapt this learning experience to be more appropriate forchildren with four of the following special needs. GiftedIntellectual disabilityAttention deficit hyperactivity disorderSpeech delayedHearing impairmentVisual impairmentPhysical disabilityEpilepsyAsthma 2 Scenario 4As an early childhood educator, imagine that you observe each of the situations below.Fill out the chart below, identifying the most likely cause, the most appropriatepreventative guidance technique you, as the teacher, could use, the most appropriatesolution that promotes positive self-concept and prosocial behaviors, and the reason whyyou selected each technique and solution.1. Mealtime Fight. At age 18 months, highly active Jake climbs out of his highchair long before his meal is finished. Exasperated, his teacher makes him sit atthe table until he has eaten all of his food. Soon Jake’s behavior escalates intothrowing his food on the floor.2. Temper Tantrum. Three-year-old Connor falls on the floor and kicks and hitshis fists on the floor while he yells. The teacher and three other children aresitting at a table nearby working on puzzles. Connor continues this behavior andlooks up every minute or so to see the teacher’s reaction.3. “Mommy, don’t go!” Four-year-old Angela screams “Mommy, don’t go!” whenher mother brings her to the center each morning.4. Bully. Jenny, a first-grader, is large for her age. When she enters the after-schoolprogram each day, she goes around the room pushing the other children andtaking toys away from them. No one wants to play with her because of the wayshe acts.Cause GuidanceTechnique MealtimeFightTemperTantrum“Mommy,don’t go!”Bully 3 AppropriateSolution Reason Grading RubricRefer to the rubric below for grading criteria for this assignment. 4 THIS IS THE END OF ASSIGNMENT 4. 5
Expert Answer :Ashworth E01.V4.3 – ASSIGNMENT Careers in Early Ch
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